Se leggete il mio blog forse anche voi siete degli appassionati di design come me. Ma non tutti possono permettersi una Panton chair originale di Vitra in fiberglass che costa più di 1.000€...
Tuttavia le icone del design vantano numerosissime imitazioni che potete trovare a prezzi accessibili su alcuni web shops ma ci sono anche siti che offrono prodotti disegnati da giovani creativi che sperimentano nuove forme e nuove combinazioni di materiali e colori.
If you read my blog, perhaps you are design addict like me. But not everyone can afford an original Vitra Panton chair in fiberglass that costs more than € 1,000...
However the design icons have numerous affordable imitations that you can find on some web shops and there are also sites that offer products by young designers who experiment with new forms and new combinations of materials and colors.
If you read my blog, perhaps you are design addict like me. But not everyone can afford an original Vitra Panton chair in fiberglass that costs more than € 1,000...
However the design icons have numerous affordable imitations that you can find on some web shops and there are also sites that offer products by young designers who experiment with new forms and new combinations of materials and colors.
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